Standing Still

When I was a kid, I needed everything to go my way. If I wanted something, I became tunnel-visioned with only the end goal. It didn’t matter if it made no sense or that along the way a pivot in navigation was necessary. I knew if I got what I wanted, I would be happy. I was kind of nuts. It was simply my way or the bloody highway. And I wouldn’t quietly wish this, no, I would make it known. I would stomp my feet on the ground, I would be dragged out kicking and screaming, and I would fight to the death. So what if I was Continue reading

Let It Rain

I once heard that you spend your whole life trying to get over your childhood. I’d say that’s a pretty true statement- at least for me. Perhaps I took my childhood for granted. I didn’t see the valuable lessons there until recently- until I had my own child, until I met others who Continue reading

Let It Shine

Ever get the feeling that time is slipping through your fingers and all you can do is watch in motionless horror? It’s the second week into 2019 and already I’m in a panic thinking about all the things I still have to do before I return to work in October- after my luscious 18-month maternity leave. If I looked up studies on mood levels around this time of year, I get the feeling they’d likely note that this is the week when all the excitement of the New Year dips low and all the goals we made for ourselves start to go by the wayside. We start to get suffocated by the clouds rolling in and instead of the New Year “I can totally do this” attitude, we might slowly transition into the “but can I really?” phase.

When I feel these negative feelings creeping in I try to be proactive in recognizing it, calling myself out on it and doing what I can to practice gratitude in order to stay positive. This is, of course, easier said than done. Here are some ways I have found helpful to combat these impulses from dragging me under. Continue reading