Until Next Time

I made it! It’s been exactly two years since I started blogging weekly. Not that this was any sort of contest but I just wanted to say that I win. I win so freakin’ much! (To be clear, I win against the old non-posting-blogger me, not anyone else. Also, am not calling anyone a loser so please don’t cyberstalk me to send electronic dead roses.) But you know what they say, “The end is nigh.” Okay, nobody really says that anymore because it’s not 1692. (I don’t really know what happened in 1692 but it was a really long time ago and I assume people back then said stuff like that all the time.) Anyway, the end is nigh near. Actually, it’s right now (or in however many minutes it takes you to read to the end of this post). 

You may remember that I had a two-part series on my blog called, My Year of Writing (Part 1 and 2). What you didn’t know was that there was a part 3. I know, mind-bending stuff, right?! The drafted part 3 was entitled, “My Year of Writing: Where Do I Go From Here.” The first sentence of that post would have been, “I don’t know.” And it’s still true, I don’t know where I go from here. 

Here’s what I know, though: I wrote religiously for two years. I wrote 107 posts to be exact (including this one, obvi) which is (based on my average, weekly word count) approximately 80,000 words total. And not that I googled this or anything, but that’s like the average word count for a bestselling novel. Just saying…

Here’s something else I do know: I desperately need a break. I don’t necessarily need a break from writing, I just need a break from the weekly grind and the neverending responsibilities on my overexpanding plate (beyond what’s calling to me from the Blogosphere). I run a very tight ship at home, and although that’s exactly how I prefer it, it leaves very little room for life’s variables that somehow show up at the least convenient times like viral illnesses and family crises and mental exhaustion and eternal guilt and friendships combusting and marriages on the rocks. I look back on the two years of writing and I am so darn happy with myself for making it through each week’s deadline because it really shows me I can honestly do anything I set my mind to (or it tells me I have a major compulsive issue that physically does not allow me to break a steadfast habit without feeling some sort of internal firestorm- don’t worry I hope to seek help for that soon). 

When I think about the things my family and I went through within the last two years and the fact that I was still able to post something despite the turbulence at home, I am very proud. I’m proud of myself for my stamina, my progress, and my perseverance. It feels like I just completed the most difficult marathon of my life, one I never even saw myself registering for in the first place. But I also know that I sacrificed a bit of myself in that time in order to do that. It started out as little sacrifices, mostly things that I knew would either help ground me in a trying time or things that would allow me to better cope with what I was going through. But, instead, I chose to meet this deadline because I didn’t want to “fail” or “give up.” I felt like I had finally broken down this dam of a wall and I just wanted the momentum to continue. Over time, those little sacrifices turned into baggage, and yet another thing added to my list of responsibilities.

So, here I am. I am tired (exhausted to be exact). I need a break to recheck my mental health and figure out where I want to go from here. This isn’t the end, it’s actually more of a break but I technically don’t know when the break will end; the break could end in two weeks or it could end in a year. I simply have no idea. All I know is that when I do come back, in whatever frequency or format (or how active I will be in the Blogosphere otherwise), I know I will do it as long as it feels good.

For now, I just wanted to extend the biggest thank you to all of you. Thank you for everything: the mems (aka ‘memories’ to older folks like me), the comments, the encouragement, the feedback, and, most importantly, the support. I have so appreciated every kind word.

Until next time…

Wishing you a safe and joyous holiday season, and all the best in 2023! Happy New Year!

25 thoughts on “Until Next Time

  1. Congratulations to you! You’re right to be proud because being consistent for 2 years no matter what life has thrown at you, is a super great achievement! And yes, you should do it as long as it feels good! Enjoy your break! Remember that you’re important too and you need to take your time for yourself! Merry Christmas to you and your loved one and wish you a new year filled with health and happiness!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Congrats on making your goal. Enjoy your break. Come back or not, whatever feels best for you. I too am considering taking a break from blogging. I enjoy it but also have times when I think I could be doing something more productive for my family. Merry Christmas.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Congratulations on the impressive blogging streak! Not only have you shown up, but you’ve made us readers think, reminisce, and laugh our sides off, so thank you!! I hope to see you back here one day, but do what’s right for you in this season of life. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Nooooooo!!! I mean: congratulations. Way to go, and all that, but don’t leave us!!!! (I refrained from putting that in all caps, though it was hard.) Please come back! Take your break. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all that, but then come back! I’ll miss you!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. It’s been a pleasure, BB. I’m not saying goodbye—more like, see you later. You’re doing the right thing. (as if you needed my permission) Your mindset is much like mine. In fact, I already have a post title in mind for a necessary break called “Priorities.” I’m taking a blogging break at the end of January with the intention of being more dedicated to story writing. It feels like a now or never kind of year, but I know the first thing is to eliminate a couple of time-consuming things from my life. While I enjoy blogging, it is one of the first things I’m willing to give up. I’m not completely disappearing, but I’m thinking of posting maybe once a month to let people know I’m still alive. I try to support others blogs, but I’ve decided the best way I can do that is by reading more of my fellow bloggers’ books instead of their blogs.

    How long will this last? As long as it takes. I think I’ll be back, but I’m not making any promises. I first have to fulfill some promises I made to other bloggers with their book tours, but then my priorities shift.

    You are a talented writer, Jen. Don’t ever lose your honesty because it’s that sense of vulnerability that you’re brave enough to share with your readers which makes your style so refreshing. My best to you and your family. (I’m going to miss Charlotte stories.)

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Congratulations on being here for 2 years – it is a feat! You totally deserve a break. I have been taking unwarranted breaks over the last 2 months because I’ve been finding it hard to keep up. Enjoy your holidays, see you on the other side! Merry Christmas and a very very happy New Year! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Ah, I never expected to see this, my fellow weekly-posting partner! I can see your voice shining through in this post, and it must’ve come from all that consistent writing. As you said so yourself, that’s a novel you’ve written in this time.

    We all have ups and downs in our writing journey, and what you’re doing is very reasonable. I’ll be waiting for your return. Until then, may you kill it in every other life pursuit, Jen!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: All I Want For Christmas Is…(Bloggers Reveal What They Want) – Happy Panda

  9. I know I got behind with many blogs back in early to mid December and I hope one day to go back and catch up … sigh. I realized today you had not written in a while and also LaShelle had not written in a while. You and LaShelle were both “finds” I learned about thru Ally’s blog post about visiting some of her fellow bloggers. She has not posted since November, so I said “hi” to each of you. Take of yourself and enjoy the well-deserved break.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Congratulations on achieving your writing goal and on knowing when to step back from something so you can re-group & refresh. Blogging is fun, but it is a commitment for anyone who is conscientious and does what she says she’ll do. I feel the burden of it from time-to-time.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Hi bossy babe
    Your tone and dialect remind me so much of ally bean – and maybe that is because I first found your blog when you interviewed ally
    Anyhow – best wishes with your break and then with whatever follows – more here or a new venture

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Congratulations for making it that far my friend! It feels as if so many of my favorite bloggers are leaving when I’m still just trying to be more consistent with all the craziness going on in my life. I will miss you like crazy. Enjoy the heck out of your time off. You deserve it

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: On Blogging and Buddies | Motherhood and Martial Arts

  14. It may (maybe, kinda, sorta) show how much of a similar boat I’m in that I only just thought, ‘I haven’t heard from Bossy Babe in a while.’ Then, of course, I maturely assumed you’d been eaten by crocodiles and rushed over in a panic.

    Thank goodness it wasn’t crocodiles.

    I sure have loved reading your posts and hearing from you. I totally get it. (I already mentioned the boat analogy -although I need to add that my friend bought me a shirt that reads: I run a tight shipwreck).

    Liked by 2 people

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