See You Later, Good Night, Bye-bye

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to die. I know what you’re thinking: What in the actual heck?! Okay, let’s back up here. You see, when I was around 4- or 5-years-old, I didn’t know how TVs worked. For some reason, the only explanation that made sense to me was that when people died, TV-land was where they inevitably ended up (“heaven,” so to speak). Thus, for a short (very short) period of time, I was accepting of death- excited even. Because I couldn’t wait to be on TV. Continue reading

The Art of Quitting

No, no, not quilting. I’m talking about QUITTING! You know (donezo!, basta!), throwing in that proverbial towel! There’s an acquired art to it. I know, odd right? basta gifYou grow up your whole life hearing things like: “don’t give up, you’re almost there, don’t be a quitter, you must find a way, keep going, make it work no matter what!” Sure, they apply to some things in life, perhaps a career you’re determined to be successful at or a marriage to someone you truly love. But often times I find this general philosophy Continue reading