A Happy Place

I’ve always been a realist. Ever since I could remember, I’ve always towed the line between negative and positive. Doomsday versus winning the lottery. Neither of those are ever possibilities in my mind. I just accept that the world is eternal and full of Continue reading

See You Later, Good Night, Bye-bye

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to die. I know what you’re thinking: What in the actual heck?! Okay, let’s back up here. You see, when I was around 4- or 5-years-old, I didn’t know how TVs worked. For some reason, the only explanation that made sense to me was that when people died, TV-land was where they inevitably ended up (“heaven,” so to speak). Thus, for a short (very short) period of time, I was accepting of death- excited even. Because I couldn’t wait to be on TV. Continue reading

Fake It Till You Make It

“I don’t know how you do it! How do you freakin’ do it?”

I think, at some point or another, many of us have been asked some variation of this question; whether you were asked because you were juggling more than one job at a time or if you were tolerating an intolerable manager at work. Basically, you were “handling” the seemingly impossible (the unfathomable) and your secret to survival had to be shared. What are you doing that I need to be doing? At least that’s where my mind goes. But I feel like this question most often gets Continue reading

Counting Sheep

Why is it that we count sheep when we can’t sleep?
Are dogs bilingual?
How do newbie penguins know their travel route every winter?  
What language is ‘kumbaya?’ Where did this saying come from?
How do we actually know we’re all seeing colours the same way if we can’t see what each other see?
I’ve realized that bras are really Continue reading

Taking Flight: The Turning Point Series

This is the Turning Point Series where I recall events in my life that changed the course of my journey in some significant, impactful way. I almost entitled it the TP Series but then thought better of it. Given the state of our world with covid and everything, I didn’t want people to wrongly assume this was the central spot to find the best toilet paper sales in the north (it’s not, btw).

“I can’t possibly do this!” I tearfully cried to my sister on the phone. I was in a frenzy; my thoughts were scattered, and I was beginning to spiral out of control. Typically, in these instances I would start talking myself off that invisible ledge: everything will be okay, it’ll be okay. But in my mind, I was screaming. How? How will this be okay?

I was about to start Continue reading