I’m a Survivor

I’m a survivor, I’m gonna make it
I will survive, keep on survivin’

Clearly, Beyonce and her clique had me in mind when they https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmc8bQoL-J0churned out that roaring anthem. Women everywhere frayed their dresses and frolicked on the beach while pumping their fists in the air aggressively surviving. That’s how I felt at the bottom of the weekend. Something profound happened to me. I learned that I could live without Continue reading

ER Adventures

“He’s back and he wants to take me again!” I yelled between hacking coughs in the general direction of the hospital intercom. I felt a sudden tinge of panic- the type of panic someone who has followed orders to a tee their whole life might feel if they were suddenly going against orders. Don’t let him take me! Continue reading

I Won the Lottery

One of my favourite things to do is dream about winning the lottery. I love going over the what if/if only scenarios of life. My husband and I often play this game where we decide what we would do with our winnings and the options are endless! But back to reality, okay fine, I didn’t actually win the lottery (sorry for that clickbait title, I couldn’t help it). I guess I won the equivalent of the lottery (at least to me). I Continue reading

Game Over

“Oh God, this is terribly embarrassing,” I sheepishly admitted to the clinic nurse on the phone. I had urgently called my family doctor to discuss a recent pinky finger injury. Calling my family doctor is a three-step process usually; the receptionist will have a nurse call me back to assess the situation, after which I may or may not need to speak to my doctor. Well, the nurse had called me back and I was hoping we could just go straight into booking an x-ray without Continue reading

Stranger Danger

I live my life constantly ready for battle. I try to operate on a level of awareness reminiscent of man preparing for war. Okay- I actually don’t know what it’s like to go to war and I can barely keep my cool while killing a household centipede but what I mean is, I am always primed for all unforeseen and/or violent scenarios that may occur in life. For example, when waiting to cross the street, I always Continue reading