Cutting to the Chase

“Where do you see yourself in five years?” diningThe stranger from across the table looked at me with careful consideration; like someone who isn’t asked that question often but appreciates when it is asked (but definitely weird in this setting). This wasn’t a job interview, and he wasn’t a candidate for said job. Nope, it was actually Continue reading

Into the Sunset: The Turning Point Series

This is the Turning Point Series where I recall events in my life that changed the course of my journey in some significant, impactful way. I almost entitled it the TP Series, but then thought better of it. Given the state of our world with covid and everything, I didn’t want people to wrongly assume this was the central spot to find the best toilet paper sales in the north (it’s not, btw).

For most of my young life, we did not own a family car. As far as I could remember, we were a family that Continue reading

Game Over

“Oh God, this is terribly embarrassing,” I sheepishly admitted to the clinic nurse on the phone. I had urgently called my family doctor to discuss a recent pinky finger injury. Calling my family doctor is a three-step process usually; the receptionist will have a nurse call me back to assess the situation, after which I may or may not need to speak to my doctor. Well, the nurse had called me back and I was hoping we could just go straight into booking an x-ray without Continue reading